Saturday, April 23, 2016

Disappointing News

Published in the April 20th, 2016 issue of the Foothills Sun-Gazette.

    The recent report from the Tulare County Grand Jury, “Nightmare in Lindsay,” was disappointing to almost everyone.   Unfortunately, the reporting about the report by our two major newspapers (the Porterville Recorder and the Foothills Sun-Gazette) was even more disappointing.           

     True to policy, the Grand Jury report did not reveal the complaint that triggered the investigation or the events that led up to the complaint being filed, much less the identities of those making the complaint.  A reader unfamiliar with Lindsay’s recent history would have no way to unravel the Grand Jury’s findings, whose roots stem back into the Townsend administration.  Good journalists would have provided that background.           

     During several Lindsay City Council meetings last year, some citizens who claimed to have signed the complaint spoke openly about it, including Brian Watkins, Ellen Blumer, and Kirk Ingoldsby (Councilwoman Kimball’s brother.)  The general tone of their testimony was threatening, and the goal appeared to be to get the three council members who had been named in the complaint (Mayor Padilla, Rosaena Sanchez and Steven Mecum) to either step down from their elected positions or tow the party line these citizens wanted.  These citizens are largely insiders in this community, as well as supporters of the previous administrations of Townsend and Wilkinson, support which extends to the current one under Bill Zigler’s management, i.e., the old guard of Lindsay.           

     Findings #3 and #4 related to this complaint: an allegation by these citizens that the Brown Act had been violated when 2 or 3 of the named councilmembers met privately with city employees over personnel matters.  Finding #3 was that no evidence was found of Brown Act violations; Finding #4 stated that some council members were involved in discussion of union issues “outside the parameters of established procedures,” without citing which procedures were stepped on.           

     The other three findings, however, which are a much bigger part of Lindsay’s nightmare, were caused by the Council prior to Sanchez and Mecum’s election and Padilla’s appointment as mayor: #1, the detrimental effects of combining the position of city manager with the director of public safety; #2, the costly employee settlements we suffered as a result of this decision; and #5, the cost of these settlements to the city’s already difficult financial situation.             

     Current councilmembers Danny Salinas and Pam Kimball, who were not named in the complaint but who sat on the previous council, bear a great deal of responsibility for these facts of our city life, as do former council members Steve Velasquez and Mayor Ed Murray.  Ramona Padilla was a newly appointed council member at that time, and also shoulders a portion of that responsibility. 
     Padilla was not on the Council, however, the last time it was investigated for violations of the Brown Act in 2010.  That time the Grand Jury found that violations HAD occurred when they met in San Jose and approved the merger of the police and fire departments into the department of public safety without proper public notice.  That was the beginning of Rich Wilkinson’s eventual rise to the joint position of City Manager/Director of Public Safety.  Pam Kimball negotiated that contract, which contained the extraordinary provisions requiring 4/5 majority approval for Wilkinson’s termination and 18 months’ severance pay, a factor that led to the extraordinary employee severance settlements that caused Lindsay’s budget to somersault.           

     The real news about Lindsay’s “nightmare” is that it is longstanding and ongoing, not likely to end until those insiders in power are curbed and made accountable.  Journalists have an important role to play in helping to keep public officials accountable.  Unfortunately the journalists covering Lindsay either do not understand that role or are ignorant of our history.  I hope both lackings can be corrected in the future.
Trudy Wischemann is a Populist who writes.  You can send her your observations of insider “trading” c/o P.O. Box 1374, Lindsay CA 93247 or visit and leave a comment there.



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